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BIJLSMA RG (1990) Short contributions: Habitat, territory size and breeding success of Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris. LIMOSA 63 (2): 80-81.

A breeding bird survey of the Kootwijkerzand (520 11 'N, 5?46'E) was carried out in 1989. The area consists of sanddrifts (617 ha, of which 266 ha still active), heathland (34 ha), and woodland (334 ha). Tawny Pipits were unevenly distributed, viz. 11 territories in extremely open vegetations with Corynephorus canescens and Carex arenaria, three territories in vegetations with Polytrichum piliferum and Festuca ovina, two territories in vegetations with Cladonia spp. and Spergula morisonii, and one territory on sandy heathland Cal/una vulgaris. Mean territory size was 6.5 ha (s.d. = 2.0, range = 3.5-12.1 ha) (fig. 1). Territory size was determined by connecting the outermost mappings of territorial behaviour of males whilst observing from vantage points. Boundaries of territories were not surpassed during display flights and foraging. Small territories were occupied earliest, contained the highest proportion of open sand ( >50%) and had highest breeding success (table 1). Overall nest success was 65% (11 out of 17). Territory size was small compared to a nearby area, suggesting a better habitat in the Kootwijkerzand area. Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris

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