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GERRITSEN GJ (1990) Night-time roosts of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa in The Netherlands in 1984 - 1985. LIMOSA 63 (2): 51-63.

This paper presents the results of the national census of communal roosts of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa in 1984-85. Counts were made on twelve different dates. Numbers of roosts counted ranged from 99 to 139 roosts (see for distribution of roosts fig. 2). The maximum numbers counted (36 070) amounted to approximately 17% of de Dutch breeding population (tab. I). In March-April more roosts were used than in June-July (on average 73% and 55%, respectively) (fig. I). After the breeding season, average numbers on the roosts were larger than before (252 in June-July against 160 in March-April, fig. I). The most used roosting habitats were shores of lakes, swampy grasslands, river-forelands, and peat-moors (fig. 3). On most roosts there was one preferred direction of arrival (fig. 4). The arrival on the roosts took place in the hour around sunset, especially in the last 30 minutes before sunset (fig. 5). Countings of communal roosts before the breeding season seem to be a good method for estimating the breeding population.

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limosa 63.2 1990
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