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BEINTEMA AJ & VISSER GH (1990) Factors affecting growth and survival of wader chicks to determine. LIMOSA 63 (1): 29-29.

Small wader chicks are incapable of their body to maintain. This means that they cold weather controlled by one of the parents must be heated. Because the chicks of most species gather their own food, they can aileen foraging in between warming. the length of a foraging period depends on the cooling the chick, which is a function of age and outside. Above a certain threshold temperature chicks have no heating required. This threshold is lower if the chick gets older, to it even no longer need heating. the Kievit is here about three weeks for that, godwits Redshank and one day or ten. The Lapwing is relatively a slow grower, black-tailed godwit and redshank are fast. energetic seen, it makes chicks godwit and redshank expensive than those of the Lapwing (need more fuel in), but they require less energy from the parents (for warming). Differences in growth strategy also zoogeografische one side. The Lapwing is one of the plovers, many of which are hot, arid areas of life, where food is scarce can be, but seasons elongated be. Godwit and redshank are among the sandpipers, most of which live in colder regions, with a short season and a short, exploding food supply. Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Common Redshank Tringa totanus

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