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MEININGER PL & SCHEKKERMAN H (1990) Breeding Black-winged Stilts Himantopus himantopus in The Netherlands in 1989. LIMOSA 63 (1): 11-15.

An invasion of Black-winged Stilts Himantopus himantopus into The Netherlands during spring 1989 resulted in at least 22 breeding attempts (ten in Flevoland, twelve in various localities in the Delta area, Sw. Netherlands). After 1935 (with at least 33 breeding attempts), 1958 (minimum 26) and 1965 (minimum 40), 1989 was the fourth best Black-winged Stilt year of the century in The Netherlands (fig. 2). Birds were sighted from late April onwards, and most eggs were laid in the course of the second half of May. Breeding success was low due to drying up of pools, flooding of nests along the larger waterbodies, and trampling of nests by horses and cattle. At least seven young fledged.

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limosa 63.1 1990
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