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KOOPMAN K (1990) Site fidelity of Common Gulls Larus canus wintering in The Netherlands. LIMOSA 63 (1): 7-10.

This paper deals with the site fidelity of Common Gulls Larus canus wintering in the Netherlands between 16 December and 15 March. A large part appears to be faithful, both within the same winter and during subsequent winters. More than 50% of the birds is subsequently found at a distance of less than 40 km. The faithfulness of first-year birds is less than that of older birds. It is suggested that the Bijlage dominant adults force the juveniles to roam during the first winter. During severe weather conditions the gulls migrate into southwestern directions, especially Belgium. The reverse occurs also. Common Gulls ringed as pullus in the Netherlands are recovered more from the Netherlands and less from Belgium in winter. It is therefore suggested that most birds exchanging between the Netherlands and Belgium originate from breeding areas north and northeast of the Netherlands. The non-migratory part of the Dutch breeding population is more faithful than the foreign visitors are. Common Gull Larus canus canus

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limosa 63.1 1990
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