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DUIN G VAN (1988) Actualities: Counts Hen Harrier. LIMOSA 61 (3): 197-197.

Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus As part of an international investigation into overwintering Hen harriers in Western Europe, past three winters counts of beds of This type of account. This has until now a wealth of provided data on numbers and distribution in Netherlands. If you come along or next winter to work - the study covers a period of five years - let me know the one of the people below. A count is about half hours. The telweekenden in winter 1988/89 are: November 26 to 27, 17 to 18 December, 14-15 January, 18-19 February and March 18 to 19 (the counts in January and March are optional).

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limosa 61.3 1988
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