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SMIT T, LIESHOUT CG VAN, GRAAF DE GJ, BEEK H VAN & MORAAL LG (1988) Influence of the consumption of lead shot on the health of birds. LIMOSA 61 (3): 179-182.

The impact of lead shot consumption on the health of geese and the corrosion of lead shot in gizzards of domestic geese and wild Greylag Geese Anser anser were studied. Domesticated geese were fed lead under different feeding conditions. Lead given to well-fed geese did not show effecton the health of the geese, although some lead was accumulated (appendix 2, 3). Geese insufficiently fed, became inactive some days after they had ingested lead. Many of these geese died (appendix 4). Lead shot in stomachs showed an increasing corrosion with time (fig. I). Lead concentrations in livers and kidneys of geese which had died from lead intoxication, were high in comparison to geese which had died from other sources (tab. I).

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limosa 61.3 1988
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