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SMIT T, BAKHUIZEN T & MORAAL LG (1988) Metallic lead as a source of lead intoxication in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 61 (3): 175-178.

In the Netherlands, lead intoxication in birds as a result of ingested lead was found in 16 species (tab. 2). This figure does not include the excessive mortality in Greylag Geese reported in the literature from Numansdorp (ZuidHolland) and from a clay pigeon shooting area near Terneuzen (Zeeland). The percentage of shot Mallards with ingested lead pellets varied from 0 till 5 (tab. 3). This is about the same value as found in Britain, but lower than elsewhere in Europe and North America (tab. 4). Mortality of Mute Swans due to fish lead was not found, probably because in the Netherlands in contrast to England, fish lead is normally not left behind by anglers

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limosa 61.3 1988
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