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SOVON (1988) Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus colonization in the Netherlands up to 1987. LIMOSA 61 (3): 145-149.

Eurasian Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus Although some earlier breeding records of the Penduline Tit in the Netherlands are known, actual colonization took place from 1981 onwards (fig. I, 2, appendix). It appears that colonization started in the northern part of the country (Friesland). The small population in this area, however, disappeared in recent years. The colonization of Flevoland and the area of the Great Rivers seems to be more successful. Perhaps 1987 is the start of a break through. In that year, a remarkable increase occurred and the distribution was wider than ever before.

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limosa 61.3 1988
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