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ENS BJ (1988) Current Research: About poky, wippers and repercussions of parental care. LIMOSA 61 (1): 51-51.

Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus much older boy, a big bird trying bring? Ret answer every righteous neoDarwinist to this question is simple: the more the better. That many birds not get beyond one or a few young per year must therefore be explained boundaries that apparently exist in the effort that parent birds unable or unwilling to deliver (Ardea 68: 225-252). Ret breeding biology studies on individually marked Oystercatchers on Schiermonnikoog led by Jan Rulscher, Marcel Kersten and myself trying to background understanding of these limits. On the salt marsh breeding Oystercatchers are their food almost entirely dependent on the adjacent mudflats, where they find nuns and sea ​​centipedes. Among Oystercatchers is a distinction between poky

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limosa 61.1 1988
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