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ARDENNE J VAN (1986) Use of anunpredicted feeding area by pipits Anthus spp. and White Wagtails Motacilla alba. LIMOSA 59 (3): 141-141.

White Wagtail Motacilla alba During severe frost, a canal was dredged near Bleiswijk ZH on 5-10 January 1985. Already on the first day of dredging, the mud was recognized as a suitable feeding area by Meadow Pipits Anthus pratensis and Water Pipits A. s. spinoletta. On subsequent days, five Meadow Pipits, ten Water Pipits, two White Wagtails Motacilla alba, and one Rock Pipit A. s. littoralis were foraging at the site. It is suggested that the information on the existence of this suitable feeding area might have been transmitted at a communal roost.

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limosa 59.3 1986
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