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CAMPHUYSEN CJ (1986) Short contributions: Numbers of Little Auks Aile aile and Puffins Fratercula arctica found on the Netherlands coast during 1969 - 1985. LIMOSA 59 (3): 138-138.

Little Auk Alle alle = Plautus alle Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica More than 21 000 km of coastline was covered during the 1969-85 beached bird survey. A review is given of the numbers of Little Auks and Puffins found (tab. 1, 2). Biometrical data (tab. 3) and results of dissection are also presented. Both Little Auk and Puffin are scarce in the Netherlands and the Dutch coastal waters are considered unimportant for the species throughout the year. The majority of birds was found and observed during late autumn and winter. No major influx was observed for either of the two species, nor did a wreck occur in recent years. It is thought that the majority of 19 Little Auks collected during 1980-85 belonged to the subspecies alle, but one quite large (wing 130 mm), unfortunately beheaded, immature male was found in 1985 , possibly belonging to ssp. polaris. In the Little Auks collected, males and females {)ccurred in equal numbers, with adults predominating. In 8 Puffins collected and 82 birds left on the beach, a wide spectrum of ages and plumages was found. Ringed Puffins, originating from the British Isles (Fame Islands and Firth of Forth) were found twice. Oil is considered to be the major cause of death, both in Little Auks (85% oil fouled, n = 91) and Puffins (83% oiled, n = 78).

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limosa 59.3 1986
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