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SOVON (1986) Cooperating Organizations Bird Research Netherlands. Why particular species?. LIMOSA 59 (1): 43-43.

The alarming decline include Little Bittern, Black Grouse, Black Tern, Sand Martin, Great Grey Shrike is Warbler and birdwatchers and conservationists did not go unnoticed. Sometimes the decline so much to be feared that they disappear as a breeding bird from the Netherlands Wilen. The recent book Endangered and characteristic birds in the Netherlands is significant in this respect. What can be done against this will Many wonder. This question has also held several occasions Soyons and the organization of the BSP hopes they actually to contribute to the detection ivan causes of this dramatic development. Yoordat these causes can be identified and measures may be urged, first determined that there is indeed a national or regional pasture deterioration. Yoor a national picture, it is important that regularly, preferably annually, information about our summer birds are available

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limosa 59.1 1986
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