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SOVON (1985) Cooperating Organizations Bird Research Netherlands. Breeding-Monitoring Project. LIMOSA 58 (4): 167-167.

In 1984 a new Soyons project started, The breeding-Monitoring Project (BMP). With This project aims to get more grip on the number of general development, especially birds. Similar projects are in some European countries many years in progress and results them are often very impressive. For some time was played with the idea for such a project in the Netherlands to set up. In 1980 this The first step then put the Central Bureau Statistics (CBS) has turned to the Soyons request for cooperation in good to check and how a BMP could be achieved. In 1982 and 1983 by the scientific advisory Soyons of an investigation the mogeIijkheden, feasibility and method implementation of a monitoring project for breeding birds in the Netherlands. By the committee include the available inventory methods for their merits. Yerder surveys were held and field trials organized to better understand gain in popularity and efficiency of some inventory methods. End of 1983 the commission could conclude that given the need for proper data on the number of breeding development in the Netherlands and given the results of the study desirable, possible and feasible were considered in our country a breeding-monitoring project to perform. The findings could Soyons Board of the committee fully endorse and as Netherlands in 1984 was birding a breeding project richer. Since then we have several more years and we see that BMP is embedded in an extensive research program of Soyons, which program consists of three coordinated and long-term projects: The Species-Specific Project (BSP) for rare and scarce breeding birds, the point-transect-TeIIing (PIT) project for general non-breeding birds and BMP for general breeding birds (see Limosa 58: 113,116). This paper sets put why the committee has decided to implement the BMP to go mapping the territory. Yoorts is the reveal how the BMP is designed and carried out and what the results after two years inventory.

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