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LENSINK R, BEKHUIS J, DIJK AJ VAN, HUSTINGS F & LANJOUW R (1985) Bird census work in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 58 (3): 113-116.

In this paper, the programmes of the SaVaN (Samenwerkende Organisaties Vogelonderzoek Nederland, the Dutch organization for bird census work) are presented. The last ten years mainly atlaswork based on 5 x 5 km2 squares was done. The results of the atlas project on breeding birds has been published (Teixeira 1979). In 1978-83, an atlas project on wintering bird and migrants was organized; information on distribution and numbers was sampled throughout the year on monthly basis. The results will be published in 1986 or 1987. Within the framework of SayaN, nowadays four strongly coherent projects are organized (fig. 1). Together they constitute our monitoring programme, which will be continued for a long time. Within the PTT-project, information on common non-breeding birds will be collected: 20 point counts of five minutes along a transect in August, November, December, and February. The BMP-project resembles the British Common Bird Census, and is dealing with common breeding birds in plots of 10-200 ha. The scarce and rare birds (breeding and non-breeding) will be studied within the BSP-project and information is gathered in 2.5 x 2.5 km2 squares. Together, these projects will inform us about changes in number and distribution of birds within the year and between years.

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limosa 58.3 1985
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