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WIJS WJR DE (1985) Origin and age of Common Guillemots Uria aalge in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 58 (2): 61-64.

Atlantic Murre Uria aalge Ringing recoveries are used in an attempt to quantify the origin of Guillemots beached in the Netherlands. For this purpose NW. Europe was divided in a number of ringing districts (fig. 1). For each district the numbers of birds ringed and those recovered in the Netherlands were determined (tab. 1). Each recovery rate was multiplied by the population size in each district and expressed as percentage of the sum of all results. Unfortunately the number of recoveries was rather low. Therefore results are not very reliable for some districts (i.e. WS, FO, N). Nonetheless, the results show that in spite of the large number of recoveries from Heligoland, birds from that origin comprise only about 1% of the birds involved. Differences between the period prior to and including the auk wreck during the winter 1980/81 show that relatively many individuals from North and East Scotland, Orkney, and Shetland were involved in this incident. The age composition of the birds recovered suggests that first-year Guillemots may predominate among birds breeding further away (ef. Mead 1974).

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limosa 58.2 1985
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