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HUSTINGS F & GANZEVLES W (1984) Short contributions: Late arrival and increase of Fieldfares Turdus pilaris in South Limburg in spring 1984. LIMOSA 57 (4): 155-155.

Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Due to a prolonged period of bad weather in spring 1984, Fieldfares arrived from mid April onwards (fig. 1), which is several weeks later than usual. The population increased from 343-351 pairs in 1983 to 516-531 pairs in 1984. The distribution was the same as in 1983, although the tendency to fill up the area between the former strongholds continued. Nevertheless, the bulk of the increase took place in the same area where the Fieldfares were already numerous for several years (fig. 2). Colony size was similar to that in 1983 (tab. 1). Compared to 1983, no changes in habitat choice occurred.

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limosa 57.4 1984
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