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BERG AB VAN DER (1984) Influx of Pale-bellied Brent Goose Branta bernicla hrota in the winter 1981 - 1982. LIMOSA 57 (4): 129-132.

Pale-bellied Brent Goose Branta hrota = Branta bernicla hrota In the severe winter of 1981/82 an influx of Pale-bellied Brent Goose Branta bernicla hrota took place in the Netherlands. The only previous influx of more than 100 birds was noted in the severe winter of 1978/79. In other years it has been a rare bird. The influx started during a cold spell in the fourth week of December. A smaller second arrival occurred in the second week of January. In total c. 190 birds were involved. The highest counts were from the third decade of December up to late January in coastal areas of Noord-Holland and Zeeland. A ring sighting confirms that the Dutch Pale-bellieds are part of the Palearctic population that winters in Denmark and Northeast-England. This means that under certain conditions an important percentage of this population may visit the coastal areas of the Netherlands.

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limosa 57.4 1984
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