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MARTEIJN ECL & SWENNEN C (1984) Wintering of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa in SW. Netherlands. LIMOSA 57 (4): 125-128.

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Data are presented on the numbers of wintering Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa in the intertidal zone along the southern bank of the Westerschelde, situated in SW. Netherlands (fig. 1). Numbers have increased from 5-55 in 1958-70 to c. 100 in 1977-83, with a peak number of 140 in 1982-83 (tab. 1). Summer plumage characteristics, choice of winter habitat, comparison of the Dutch situation with other winter quarters, dates of arrival and departure, fluctuation of numbers during the period the Godwits are present, and changes in wintering numbers during the last 25 years in the area are given. It is likely that the Godwits wintering in the Westerschelde belong to the subspecies islandica. Until now there was only one record of this subspecies for the Netherlands.

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limosa 57.4 1984
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