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CRONAU J, GOEDE R DE & LETSCHERT J (1984) Actualities: Bar-tailed Godwit. LIMOSA 57 (3): 120-120.

Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica University a study at the bar-tailed godwit started. purpose of this study is to find a link between condition in the spring and breeding success. For this purpose Bar-tailed godwits caught and color-coded on the legs. The birds are marked with colored plastic tape (in the form of a flag) to the left and / or right leg, above the walking leg. in several combinations per bird up to two flags made. The colors of the flags include: (1) green - yellow - green (horizontal striped), (2) green - yellow - green (horizontal stripes) with red tip, (3) blue, (4) red. Anyone lO'n gekleurmerkte bar-tailed godwit perceive, we kindly request as soon as possible us to report stating the date, time, location, color combination and possibly the size of the group in which the bird was in, sex and plumage (summer or winter).

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limosa 57.3 1984
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