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BFVW (1984) Actualities: Meadow bird protection B.F.V.W. in 1983. LIMOSA 57 (3): 119-119.

The Frisian Bird Protection Society of Waiting (BFVW) doing for many years to weidevogelbescherming through aftercare. In 1983, back lot of work to be had. The wet spring meadow birds made ​​the difficult broedseizaen them. Many birdwatchers reported clutches of drowned. Were often dead chicks in or near the nest found. Lifting Some of the nests by birdwatchers successfully applied. Lapwings in long lunge wet grass are not being allowed, were transferred into neighboring pastures with grass kart. the parents after their young perch were too many can be difficult to find. On arable land were Nests are reinforced with stones and straw to prevent the eggs into the soggy ground sank.

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limosa 57.3 1984
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