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MEININGER PL (1984) Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus as a breeding bird in SW. Netherlands in 1979 - 1982. LIMOSA 57 (3): 81-86.

Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus This paper deals with the breeding population of Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus in SW. Netherlands (Delta area). In recent years the population increased to at least 175 pairs in 1982 (tab. 1-2, fig. 1-2). This increase is due both to recolonization of the northern part of the Delta area (where the habitat also became more suitable as a nesting and feeding place as a result of damming the Haringvliet in 1971) and to colonization of many inland creeks in Zeeland. It seems likely that the increase in the Delta area is also related to an overflow of birds from the large breeding population of Marsh Harrier in the reclaimed polder Zuidelijk Flevoland.

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limosa 57.3 1984
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