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VOOUS KH (1984) Actualities: Royal Navy Bird Watching Society. LIMOSA 57 (2): 74-74.

Despite its rather elitist sounding name the Royal Naval Bird Watching Society always vogellieflIebbers aim of both naval and merchant association and observing seabirds and reporting flown aboard landvo- . gels to aile wereidzeeen stimulating and directing business. To this end, the RNBWS well illustrated yearbook, The Sea Swallow, from which it for the period 1981-1982 is already the 32nd part. In this part of the Sea Swallow the observations classified from 21 ships, including Also the Dutch Amstel MS Roach (captain K. Salwegter). The song also includes an overview the observations of our seafarers Meeth couple made ​​six crossings the Pacific Ocean, a description of the 5Oortkenmerken the difficult, so Cookilariasoorten the petrel genus Pterodroma by W. R. P. Bourne and additional data on recognition of two species of giant petrels Macronectes S. Hunter.

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limosa 57.2 1984
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