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HUSTINGS F (1984) Actualities: Bridingcase of Fieldfare. LIMOSA 57 (2): 73-73.

Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Birdwatchers who have unpublished observations cases are of breeding Fieldfare asked to send this to the address below. at sufficient participation to a national overview the development of the brood stock in the Netherlands over the period 1978 to 1984 (following on the SOVON- breeding under loek) are drawn. Zowei some cases as probable breeding (or pair solitary bird nesting habitat available in early May after, singing, baits, alarms, etc.) are welcome. Like the following state: location (s Atlas Block), year, number pairs, breeding habitat (short curve), breeding in later years occupied (state number of pairs)? if possible

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limosa 57.2 1984
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