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POEL AM VAN DER (1984) Wintering areas, site tenacity and life expectation of Dutch Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus. LIMOSA 57 (2): 43-46.

Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus According to ringing data Dutch Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus can be found in three areas during November-March: (1) within a radius of 100 km around their breeding places on large open waters like the IJsselmeer, the Delta area (SW. Netherlands), and the coastal area; (2) at a median distance of about 220 km in western to southwestern direction spread over the coastal areas of the English Channel; (3) at a median distance of about 640 km in southern to southeastern direction on great lakes and rivers just north of the Alps. Dutch Great Crested Grebes show a high fidelity to their breeding places. Available data point in the direction of a site tenacity to the place of birth. From the survival-curve of 53 adult Dutch Grebes an average life expectation of 16.9 months was calculated, which means a 40% annual death rate for adult birds.

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limosa 57.2 1984
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