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MOLLER AP (1982) Dutch Ornithological Union: Studies on terns in Denmark. LIMOSA 55 (4): 148-148.

In 1967 Denmark became a star working group now 15 years there. Originally, the a partnership between ringers but when The group grew (currently 40-50 members), An organization in! just called with a central coordinator and coordinators of any kind. Participation in the work of the group is on a voluntary basis. One problem is that many of the little data (only 10%) was analyzed and published. This is very difficult because everyone wants to speak a word. Work on the terns has focused on adding and rings. Breeding birds and their young are caught, measured and weighed while various biological breeding data are collected. In addition, made notes about preventing breeding birds and any other threats the breeding grounds. In the period 1970-82, about 15 000 adult prisoners terns of which 10 000 Arctic Terns and Terns 2500 Great. A total of so far 40 000

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