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CAMPHUYSEN CJ & MAAS FJ (1982) Seabirds in the Netherlands in 1978. LIMOSA 55 (1): 17-22.

Seabirds in the Netherlands in 1978 This is the third annual report of the Dutch Seawatchers' Club (CvZ) , summarizing observations in 1978. Unlike the two preceding reports (de Miranda 1978, de Miranda & Koenekoop 1980) only a rough sketch of events is presented for 1978. Moreover, details on two remarkable phenomena are presented: (1) Huge numbers (almost half a million birds) of Common Scoters Melanitta nigra seen in spring (fig. 1, 2). Largest numbers were, as usual, recorded along the coast of Noord-Holland (78%) with no less than 64% heading south. (2) Six periods of strong southward migration of Blackheaded Gulls Larus ridibundus in autumn (fig. 3). Normally two to four movements are reported.
      A paper discussing the large numbers of Procellariiformes and skuas in conjunction with the weather in the autumn of 1978, will be published separately. Further, a complete summary of the results of six years (1974-79) of seawatching at the Netherlands coast is in preparation, so that only concise reports are published for both 1978 and '79.

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limosa 55.1 1982
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