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ROOS PA (1982) Occurrence of the Dipper Cinclus cinclus in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 55 (1): 3-8.

In this paper all published and a lot of unpublished records of the Dipper Cinclus cinclus in the Netherlands are analysed.
      Before 1950 the Dipper has been seen 23 times, in six cases breeding has been proven. In the next three decennia c. 170 records became known and the species was seen almost every year. Therefore it is proposed to change its status in winter visitor in very small numbers.
      The number of records per season is highly variable and seems to follow a cyclic pattern of seven to eleven years between the peaks (fig. 1).
      The seasonal pattern shows a large peak in October/November and a little one in March-April (fig. 2). During the last thirty years a shift towards earlier records in autumn and spring can be seen.
      In autumn (September-November) most records come from the northern part of the country (fig. 3). In winter (December-February) the role of the northern region is significantly less important. There is also a difference between the distribution in spring (March/May) and that in winter, but the distribution in spring differs not significantly from that in autumn, suggesting a northward migration in spring.
      In the Netherlands the winter range of the northern subspecies cinclus seems to extend to the river Rhine in the south, but few birds seen in the southern part of the country have been identified subspecifically. It is assumed that Dippers seen in the southeast belong to the Central-European race aquaticus. Quite a lot of records and some breeding cases of this subspecies (all of them before 1950) have been proven.
      Most of the Dippers in the Netherlands are seen at running water, corresponding to the habitat in the breeding areas. White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus

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limosa 55.1 1982
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