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OUWENEEL GL (1981) Winter records of Sandwich Terns Sterna sandvicensis 1978 - 1981. LIMOSA 54 (3): 96-97.

On 30 December 1972 for the first time in winter a Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis was observed near the Brouwersdam (Zeeland). Except for winter 1978/79 every winter some Sandwich Terns were present at this site since. Between the end of December and the end of February up to nine birds could be observed near the Brouwersdam. After 10 years of observations of Sandwich Terns in winter some facts deserve attention:
(1) Concentration of winterrecords on the place where the Brouwersdam reaches Schouwen.
(2) No other sites are known at this latitude in NW. Europe where Sal1dwich Terns are continuously present every winter.
(3) Their presence was not influenced by short cold spells.
(4) Except for autumn 1977 observations from November and the first and second decade of December are missing.
(5) The wintering terns often rest on the basalt slope of the dike. This has never been observed in summer. Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis = Sterna sandvicensis

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limosa 54.3 1981
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