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LAZAR M (1980) Call for cooperation: Vacation and Hospitality Exchange. LIMOSA 53 (4): 145-145.

A Directory is being planned of ornithologists and birdwatchers who would like to take a holiday by exchange of homes or hospitality. The purpose is both to save money on your holidays as to make new friends.
      Vacation Exchange means: simultaneous holidays. You stay in each others home on the same date for an agreed length of time.
      Holiday Hospitality Exchange means: You stay in your own house to be the host to the other party for a prearranged date and length of time. At some future date the roles are reversed. The former guest becomes the host in his (hers) own home to the other party for an equal duration of time. Particulars of the duties of the host are to be discussed by mail. AU inquirers who show a serious interest by sending an international reply coupon available at your post office to will receive detailed information and a short questionnaire. For persons outside of North America listing in the Directory is free. The Directory will cost US $ 10.

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limosa 53.4 1980
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