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OUWENEEL GL (1979) The observations of red breasted geese Branta ruficollis in the Netherlands; particularly in the northern Delta-areabreeding biology. LIMOSA 52 (3): 87-90.

Since 1958 at least I, sometimes 2 or 3 Red-breasted Geese Brantaruficollis stay in the Hollands Diep-Haringvlietarea almost exclusively among the wintering Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis. Winter 1978-79 at least 3, probably 4 birds were observed. Besides, since 1975-76 every winter a hybrid between Barnacle Goose and Red-breasted Goose is being observed. Sometimes jbanded individuals are among the Red-breasts and it is not out of question tliat some of them escaped from captivity. However, in 1968 and 1972 two Red-breasted Geese were caught and released in the Netherlands. The latter bird was shot on Yamalpeninsula in June 1974. On this pe, ninsula the most western breeding-grounds of the Red-breasted Goose are lying. Among the Barnacle Geese passing Sweden, Red-breasted Geese are observed yearly nowadays, probably the same birds as stay in Holland in winter. It may be supposed that every year a limited number of Red-breasted Geese is joining the migrating Barnacle Geese, following the route accross the Baltic to tlie haunts along the North Sea. Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis

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limosa 52.3 1979
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