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GERRITSEN GJ & NAP J (1978) Avifauna of the IJssel delta, call for assistance. LIMOSA 51 (1): 79-79.

The vogelwerkgroep of Nature and Bird Protection Guard IJsseldelta is now some five years engaged in collecting information about the birds the IJssel delta, with a hetdoel avifaunistisch statement together and publish. For example, in collaboration with the SOVON the entire area, about 31000, ha breeding goats' nventariseerd. The flood plains of the far-IJssel. We also collected quantitative data nesting. The values ​​of the . Black Water Will breeding birds in 1978 to quantitatively gei nventariseerd be. So far we have about 235 bird species in the IJsseldelta observed which about 100 species of breeding birds are. . The population density of farmland birds has been followed for many years in test subjects in the polder Oosterwolde, Polder Mastenbroek and The Kampereiland. Also in the riparian zones of debroedvogels Zwartemeer, Drontermeer and Vossemeer Have our attention. about the status by hikers and winter we received information through monthly censuses. Thus, from September to April the plaster-income waterfowl in the IJssel floodplains and on the border lakes counted. Provided much information on goose counts, which include the value of Polder Mastenbroek and} only island wintering White-fronted Geese was. In order to bee d still more complete, we would like to. your using field observations. Especially in the changes in the avifauna After closure of the Zuiderzee in 1932 and the reclamation of the northeast In 1942, we gel interested. Field Ornithologists, corresponding large number of observations have can apply for a card vall area, where the offspring provide are numbered, so the observations can be located doorons better.

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limosa 51.1 1978
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