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WESTERMANN JH & VOOUS KH (1977) In Memoriam Andries Hoogerwerf (1906 - 1977). LIMOSA 50 (3): 155-158.

In Memoriam Andries Hoogerwerf (1906 - 1977) Very unexpectedly, Andries Hoogerwerf on February 5, 1977 in his home Bakkum deceased. Although already passed seventy, he was the very last, the tireless, energetic, robust worker: in his garden shed ordering, writing, working with film, photo and prepareerwerk, observing voge1s in his beloved dunes and other natural areas, or capturing birds and ringend, as a member of the seagoing Castricum vogelwerkgroep. By Mr. E. J. Bank briefly, we know that the Vogelwerkgroep Castricum of frequent his advice and his knowledge of the bird may have profiteren.Nimmer He had it a little too much. Although he was by his blunt criticism in many cases to outsiders sometimes Mr. Short Bank calls a strange bird, but when he got to know was hijeen true friend. In the thirties he did his first explorations in what is now the North Holland Dune Reserve is. On knowing where the retired gamekeepers still many stories to tell. Years later, in 1975, released his tenth, by the direction of the Provincial Water Supply the high price asked yoge1s year report on the dunes. This was Hoogerwerfs entire life dedicated to nature, especially the bird study and the preservation of nature, where he also beyond

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