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WINKELMAN JE & KLARENBERG AJ (1977) Trap of an Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis in The Netherlands. LIMOSA 50 (3): 119-122.

Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis On 13 September 1976 an Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis has been trapped and ringed on Schiermonnikoog (Friesland). A detailed description of the bird in hand is given. Characteristics noted were a prominent whitish supercilium, a dark eye-stripe, two whitish wing-bars on each wing, upper parts dark olive- green, a large bill and pale legs. This bird is the first trapped specimen and the 5th record for the Netherlands. The theories of Rab?1 (1969) and Sharrock (1974), explaining the pattern ofrecords in Britain and Ireland of the Arctic Warbler, are discussed. Low migration-activity and unfavourable weather conditions in the period preceding 13 September (low pressure over Scotland and south Norway and winds between south and east) suggest that this bird had not come straight on from northeast Scandinavia.

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limosa 50.3 1977
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