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STEEN JJ VAN DEN (1977) Short announcements: A breeding case of the Cettis Warbler Cettia cetti in The Netherlands. LIMOSA 50 (1): 61-62.

A breeding case of the Cettis Warbler Cettia cetti in The Netherlands Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti 1976, in the nature reserve near Canisvliet Sas van Gent (B) the incubation of the Cettis Singer Cettia Cetti determined. As early as 1974 (Limosa 48: 211-12) and 1975 moeht this is suspected. Since March 2, 1976 I heard it () at each weekly visit to sing on May 1st and I heard the rattling alarm call. Given the hidden hand life of the bird and the other almost impenetrable biotope, where this bird was heard continuously since February 1974, I was there, despite repeated attempts, until now still not managed to find the nest.

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limosa 50.1 1977
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