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WIERENGA HK (1976) Observations on the morning flight of White-fronted Geese in central Friesland. LIMOSA 49 (4): 293-302.

On 23 February 1975 the morning flight of White-fronts and Barnacle Geese was followed by a network of observers stationed near two roosts in central Friesland (Fig. I, Fig. 3). The movement, which started shortly after 0700 hrs, showed a peak for White-fronts in the period 0730-0800, for Barnacle Geese somewhat later (Fig. 4). From the passage of several identifiable flocks past three stations (Fig. 5) it was possible to deduce a flight speed of approximately 44 kmlhr (White-fronts), so that most of the geese observed must have devoted approximately 45 min daily to the commuting flights between grazing and sleeping areas (see Fig. 3, the round trip is of the order of 30 km from Nyelamer to both roosts). The pattern shown here held for at least 14 consecutive days, and poses the question why the geese did not feed closer to the roosts, or alternatively, switch to other roosts at this time (there was no hunting in the area). Throughout the winter the majority of White-fronts utilizing the Beetsterzwaag roost foraged beyond the immediate environs of the sleeping area (Fig. 2), but observations on other dates are not comprehensive enough to estimate the average distance travelled. Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons

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