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VOOUS KH (1976) In Memoriam Dr. G.J. Broekhuysen (1908 - 1975). LIMOSA 49 (3): 226-226.

On April 16, 1975 died gehee1 unexpectedly, during a vacantieverb1ijf in Athens, Dr.. G. J. Broekhuysen, hoog1eraar in Zoology from the University of Cape Town since 1951 and a corresponding member. The Dutch OrnithQ10gische Union. Gerrit Broekhuysen Jeronimo was April 19, 1908 in Pare Java was born. He studied at the University of Leiden, where he died on 5. November 1936 by Professor H. Boschma PhD ~ o 'a marienbio10gisch dissertation On development, growth and distribution of Carcinides maenas (L.) .

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limosa 49.3 1976
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