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BAUWENS P, BAUWENS L & PINCKAERS J (1976) Short announcements: Observation of a Wilsons Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor in zuidelijk Flevoland. LIMOSA 49 (3): 216-216.

Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor In 1975 for the first time, there were two recoveries of nestlings, of the Mediterranean Gull, Larus melanocephalus, both ringed on June 19th, 1975 from the Black Sea-area. The first was found dead in Den Helder on september 30th, 1975: the second was trapped near The Hague on September 23rd, 1975 and released with a Dutch ring. From 1930-195234.443 birds have been ringed in the Russian Cherhomorski Nature Reserve with 616 recoveries (1,7%). The main wintering area is Greece, S.-Italy and Sicily; birds recovered in W.-Europe are considered to have left their normal course. There are a few records of ringed birds from France, Spain even from Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Germany

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limosa 49.3 1976
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