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LEE HF VAN DER & OUWENEEL GL (1976) Short announcements: A probable hybrid between Red-breasted Goose Branta ruflcollis and Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis. LIMOSA 49 (3): 213-213.

Barnacle Goose x Red-breasted Goose Branta leucopsis x Branta ruficollis Among the flocks of wintering Barnacle Geese in the Hollands Diep-Haringvliet area, on some dates in winter 1975-1976 a goose was observed with the following characters: size as Barnacle Goose, but with a shorter and thicker neck, dirty-white cheeks with brownish colour round the earregion. Bill much smaller and head higher and flatter than Barnacle. Neck and fore-breast sooty brownblack, underbelly somewhat lighter coloured, back somewhat darker. Undertail-coverts white, legs dark. The bird grazed much quicker than the Barnacle. Probably it concerns a hybrid between the Barnacle Goose and the Red-breasted Goose. Every year there are one or two Red-breasted Geese among the flocks of wintering Barnacle Geese in the area. In literature no record was found of a hybrid between the two species, either in nature or in captivity.

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limosa 49.3 1976
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