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DIJKSEN AJ (1976) Some data on the occurrence of the Twite Carduelisflavirostris in Middle and East Europe. LIMOSA 49 (3): 204-206.

Twite Carduelis flavirostris From the last years there are observations known of the Twite in Rumania in December 1969 and 1970, November 1972, February 1973 and November 1974. Probably a part of the population of the Twite migrates every year in a south-eastern direction and so is a regulary winter visitor in Eastern EuropeMemorized is that there are also many cases of wintering in Central Europe (D.D.R.)in and near large towns. We may assume that not only the coasts in North and West Europe are attractive for the Twite but all places with an abundance of seed-bearing plant-species.

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limosa 49.3 1976
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