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BOERE GC & ZEGERS PM (1976) Spotted Sandpiper Tringa macu new to the Dutch Avifauna. LIMOSA 49 (1): 12-16.

A Spotted Sandpiper Tringa macularia was trapped in a cage on 18 July 1975 on the Island of Vlieland, The Netherlands. The bird was collected and skinned in the Instituut voor Taxonomische Z0610gie at Amsterdam; col. no. 28.630. The bird proved to be a second year male (wing: 107; exposed culmen: 32,2; weight: 32 gram; testis 2 mm; no subcutaneousJat and no moult of the body feathers). Only the right wing was in active moult of the secondaries and the inner 5 primaries of both wings must have been moulted not long before. This is not the normal moult pattern of a second year Spotted Sandpiper, as they normally moult all secondaries and primaries during their first winter. The field characters are discussed, with special attention paid to the amount of black and white on the innermost secondaries. It is stated that the Common Sandpiper can have very dark secondaries, similar to those of the Spotted Sandpiper. An example is shown of a bird collected in The Netherlands (Fig. 2c). This is the first record of a Spotted Sandpiper for The Netherlands Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius

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limosa 49.1 1976
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