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ANDRIESEN AA & TEKKE MJ (1976) White-faced Storm-Petrel Pelagodroma marina new to the Dutch list. LIMOSA 49 (1): 9-11.

On 23 November 1974 a storm-petrel - about 4 days dead - was found on the beach of the North Sea, between Monster and Terheijde (province of Zuid-HolIand). Later it was identified as a White-faced Storm-Petrel Pelagodroma marina (Latham). The specimen is now in the collection of the Zoological Museum at Amsterdam, where it was examined by C. S. Roselaar and J. Wattel. After comparison with descriptions made at the Museum National d'Histoire NaturelIe in Paris and with material in the British Museum (Natural History) in Tring, they both concluded tentatively that the specimen lJe10ngs to the subspecies eadesi Bourne which breeds in the Cape Verde Islands. The main characters distinguishing this subspecies from P. marina hypoleuca (Webb, Berthelot et Moquin-Tandon) of the Salvages are the more extensively white forehead and the longer bill. These characters were clearly shown by the Dutch specimen, but the tail was rather long for eadesi and the fork of the tail deeper than in any of 23 specimens of this race. Pelagodroma marina disperses north after breeding. Specimens of eadesi have been found off the Atlantic coast of North America. There is a single record of a specimen of hypoleuca in Europe: I January 1897, Colonsay, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. There were no indications that the presentspecimen had been.on board of a ship before arriving on the Dutch coast. The above specimen has been accepted as the first confirmed record of Pelagodroma marina for the Netherlands. White-faced Storm Petrel Pelagodroma marina

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