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HENDRIKSMA JT (1975) Pallas Warbler trapped and ringed in the province of Friesland. LIMOSA 48 (3): 174-174.

Pallas's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus On November 24th 1974 a Pallas's Warbler, Phylloscopus proregulus proregulus, was trapped and ringed in Gaasterland, a wood district of the province of Friesland. This is the 4th confirmed record for the Netherlands: [November 25th-28th 1963 Texel; October 22nd 1964 Castricum (Avifauna Nederland 1970: 83)]; November 18th 1973 Lelystad (Limosa 48: 113). In October and November 1974 there were not less than 11 (unchecked) records of this species in England, of which four in the period 3rd-23rd November 1974, the best year for this vagrant since 1968 with 18 records (Br. Birds 62: 480; 68: 88 and 124).

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