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BERG M VAN DER (1975) Behaviour and identification of the Water Pipit at its roosting-place. LIMOSA 48 (3): 158-162.

Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta During the winters of 1972, 1973, and 1974 the author observed Water Pipits at their roosting-place in the Amsterdamse Bos. The birds always arrived at sunset. As the Water Pipits were only observed in ,the late afternoon, it is very likely that they stayed somewhere else during the day. The most likely place was a mudpit situated about 3 to 4 kilometers in western direction from the roosting-place. The birds were very strongly attached to the roosting-place they had choosen. Their behaviour to man was very shy, when they were in the open. When sheltered in the reedbed, they were very hard to flush. The most useful identification characters at the roosting-place were; the white outer-tailfeathers, the size, the flight, and the call. The white outer-tailfeathers were often quite conspicious while landing in the reed. In flight the Water Pipits were larger and bulkier in size compared with Meadow Pipits. At the roosting-place two distinct calls were heard. The first was identical to the call of the Rock Pipit. The second was quite different, being more harsh and with a pronounced r-sound. This call was not only heard at the above roosting-place, but also on a few other locations in the Netherlands.

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limosa 48.3 1975
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