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BROEKUIZEN E & VOOUS, KH (1975) Short announcements: Memoriam Father J.N. van den Brink (1905 - 1974). LIMOSA 48 (1): 128-128.

On August 16, 1974 died at the age of 69 Uithoorn Pastor J. N. van den Brink, a dedicated member of the Dutch Bird Club of Professionals nature and lover of the old school. Nicolaas Jacobus van den Brink was on February 13, 1905 in Laren from Gooi born weaver family. After working as a chaplain to have gedierid in Cothen, Bunnik and Arnhem, he was priest in Musselkanaal and Uithoorn. for the nature and especially birds, flowers for the ones he had from childhood j'acht a grate interest. A1S chaplain three years he studied biology in Utrecht. His passion for hunting led him in many European countries. based of his experience, he joined the Hunting Council and member of The Dutch Hunter under the pseudonym Engelbert. Highlights are ornitho'logische career include the vaststeHing asunder of Turkish deeerste Tone1s Musselkanaal in our country in 1950 (Limosa 24: 10) and a collection hunting expedition to Uganda in 1965

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