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TEKKE MJ (1974) Nekrologie: In Memoriam Squire Dr Frans Cornelis Heurne (1888-1974). LIMOSA 47 (3): 171-171.

Jhr. Dr. Ir. F. C. of Heurne was May 18, 1888 in The Hague was born, primary school where he and H.B.S. visited. Then he studied in Delft and his doctorate in 1922 and a doctorate in technical sciences with a thesis The grounds of the Culture Area of Sumatra's east coast and their fertility for crops. chemical engineer also title He obtained in Delft. On April 10, 1923 he married Miss P. van der Gaag. He stayed in the former NE Indies from 1916 to 1922 and from 1923 to 1926 and then returned for good to the Netherlands. In the book Personalities in the Kingdom of the Netherlands in words and pictures from 1938, which is extensively discussed in the field of Heurne its Yak has conducted and published. The bird study was therefore leisure for him, but he Oak has a very meritorious for the general natuurbeschermingo In 1925 he sought contact with the Dutch Committee for International Nature, in which committee, chaired by Mr. P. G. van Tienhoven, many years later he would be sitting. He had a large share in the creation of wildlife and nature of Gayo and Alaslanden, one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. It was also Heurne of the initiative for the founding of the Goenoeng-LeuserReservaat and Kloeetreservaat, in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund

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limosa 47.3 1974
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