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HELLEBREKERS WPJ (1974) Nekrologie: In Memoriam Drs. Willem Cornelis Heurne (1887 - 1972). LIMOSA 47 (3): 169-169.

Squire Drs. W. C. of Heumen was born on February 20, 1887 to The Hague. Already at an early age he began to collect of lizards, insects and birds in the neighborhood of his hometown (1896-1903). But also on trips he collected in Real Mach, Luxembourg (1896), Oisterwijk (1900), Hummelo (1901), Hellenthal, Eifel (1902), Brunnen, Switzerland (1906). These materials are still copies available In the National Museum of Natural History in Leiden. His 5-year graduation H.B.S. he did in 1904. Since he had no had learned classical languages​​, he studied in Delft for civil engineer. This pleased him not and he took private lessons in Greek and Latin. after in 1906 he propaedeutisch P2 exam civil engineer had made He began his biological studies in Leiden. In the list of members of the Dutch Omithologische Association, printed in Ardea 1, 1912, his name already. Due to various circumstances (expeditions, military service, mobilization, departure to Ned. Indie-O) was frequently interrupted his studies, but in 1917 he took his biology exam candidate in Leiden and the doctoral exam in 1923. His studies brought him into close contact with the National Museum of Natural History in Leiden.

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