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BERG M VAN DER (1974) Short announcements: A record of six Bee-eaters in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen. LIMOSA 47 (3): 154-154.

European Bee-eater Merops apiaster On 29 July 1973, six-Bee-eaters have been recorded in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen. The birds have been observed for about three quarters of an hour. During this time the observes came to the conclusion, that the group of birds consisted of two adults, one juvenile, and three birds were probably moulting. If the group of Bee-eaters consisted of two adults and their young, there remains the question where the birds have bred. Up to 1972 there have been published 12 confirmed records and two breeding-cases for the Netherlands.

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limosa 47.3 1974
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