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BRAND DJG & SWELM ND VAN (1974) Short announcements: Record of a Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria new for the Netherlands. LIMOSA 47 (1): 53-53.

Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria A Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria was seen and heard in the Westland Dunes, just south of The Hague in the province of Zuid-Holland on the 5th September 1972. The bird flew in northern direction. From this record and the various other records in and outside Europe far from the nearest breeding areas it may be concluded that the Wallcreeper is probably partly a resident and partly a migrant and not as LOhrl (1970) stated purely a resident. This is the first record for The Netherlands.

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limosa 47.1 1974
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