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VOOUS KH (1973) The avifaunistische merit of M.J. Tekke. LIMOSA 46 (3): 246-246.

Let me begin by saying that Tekke us occasionally puzzled places: (1) his first name, also used in a vignette, begins with an M. Bik and we call him, (2) his age, respect him for who he has passed the seventy, (3) its social function as an official Crisis at Central Dairy, now the Produktschap for Dairy, while We first see him in a field ornithologist. And we have a good starting immediately. If I I must Tekke about 35 years at the Produktschap worked for Dairy: it characterizes his insistence on a chosen direction and once his efforts to make more of his work to climb. Thus the with his be1angstelling to birds gone. At a young age he begollnen as Friend

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limosa 46.3 1973
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